Photo of Nathan looking at the camera wearing a mint green hoodie

Hi, I'm Nathan.|

I make websites.

About me

I'm a front-end web developer with a background in digital marketing. After a decade working in Toronto's performing arts scene designing ads, making videos, taking photos, drafting social media posts (and whatever else that was needed), I decided to spend some of my pandemic with the cool people at Juno College learning to code... at home in my sweatpants. I'm a dog dad and occasional DJ with a love of minimalist design, electronic music and science fiction.

Things I've made

Laptop and phone displaying screenshot of JavaSynth project

JavaSynth | JavaScript, Sass

Take a neon-tinged journey back to the objectively coolest decade with this playable JavaScript synthesizer! Select from a range of preset sounds, noodle around on the keyboard and live out your fantasy of becoming a retro synthwave god.

Solo project.

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Laptop and phone displaying screenshot of Bored and Lonely project

Bored & Lonely | React, API, Firebase

It's been a rough... everything. So I made this React app that generates a random activity to do based on a bunch of categories. Save your activity for later and get to it when you manage to get yourself out of bed!

Solo project.

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Laptop and phone displaying screenshot of Fiction Face/Off project

Fiction Face/Off | React, API, Sass

Book vs. movie, which version is better? Drawing from two APIs, Fiction Face/Off is a React app that compares user ratings to determine the final winner in this timeless battle.

Collaboration with Emma, Mitch and Steph.

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Laptop and phone displaying screenshot of Boat Ride Adventures project

Boat Ride Adventures | Sass, Flexbox

Remember travel? Boats? I'm not a boat person but still... sigh. This is a multi-page responsive PDF design conversion built using Sass and Flexbox.

Collaboration with Harman.

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My toolkit

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • SCSS

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • Firebase

  • a11y

  • Git/GitHub

Get in touch